As your hosts, we aim to make your stay as comfortable and convenient as it can possibly be! To help us do so, we would truly appreciate you reviewing the house manual ahead of your visit. One is also posted for your reference in the apartment. Upon reviewing (well ahead of your visit), if there is any reason the House Manual cannot be followed, you will have the option of cancelling the booking penalty free. Otherwise we have a Strict Cancellation policy in effect. Thank you in advance and we truly appreciate your time to review these points, and for your cooperation!
– Please be respectful of check in and check out times. Times can often be adjusted if arranged with us ahead of time.
– Quiet time commences at 11pm, so this isn’t necessarily the place to stay if you are expecting to host a gathering after the bars close, for example.
– NO SMOKING of any kind inside the unit. In the case of a violation of this rule, at the very least there will be an additional cleaning fee charged upon your departure, and at the worst you may be asked to vacate the premises immediately and subject to no refund.
– No pets unless it is a proven and documented service pet. Service pets must never be left unattended.
– No extra overnight guests or children as this is a space best suited for 1 – 2 adults.
– No parties, events or illegal drugs or activities. These actions will result in you being asked to vacate immediately and subject to no refund.
– Off street parking is provided for a single vehicle. If your vehicle is leaking fluids of any kind (oil etc.), please park on the street and not in our designated parking spot. FYI, there are two electric vehicle charging stations available, about 75 meters down the street for your EV.
– No skis/snowboards/bikes are permitted inside the unit. We have separate secure/lockable storage area for those items, and you will have access to a key
– Please remove outdoor shoes/winter boots, immediately upon entry to the apartment. Please do not wear outdoor footwear up and down the nice wooden stairs. (especially ski boots)
– All liquid from the apartment drains through a gravity pump. ONLY FLUSH NATURAL WASTE AND TOILET PAPER. Do not flush feminine products, tissues, condoms etc., EVEN IF THEY CLAIM TO BE FLUSHABLE. Sorry for caps, but this one is pretty important! 🙂
– Please be bear aware. Keep be conscious of your food waste and scents. Bears have been known to break into residences in Rossland when they smell some appealing food waste. We normally handle garbage/waste removal for you, but you can certainly help minimize any risk by placing your food garbage in a bag in the freezer upon your departure. If you are on a lengthy stay (more than a few days), please ask us how best to handle your food waste.
– Please respect the space, keep it tidy, and clean dirty dishes after use. Linens will be taken care of for you upon departure. If you are a longer-term guest (longer than a week and less than 30 days), we would enter the apartment weekly in order to replace bedding/linens/towels and perform a general tidy (not a deep clean).
– Please consider using your bath linens more than once to reduce environmental impact. Please use the make-up remover pads provided. Extra towels can be arranged upon request.
– Laundry facilities and detergent is included in the unit. The washer and dryer are residential quality units (not industrial/commercial). Please use accordingly, and ensure the lint trap is cleaned between dryer loads. There is a small drying rack provided to hang-dry clothes on if needed.
– Using the bathroom exhaust fan during showers and for 15-30 mins after showering greatly reduces moisture issues, and is very much appreciated.
– Shampoo, conditioner, body wash, a blow dryer and other amenities are available. Please use what you need and leave the rest for other guests. There is a local pharmacy for items we do not provide.
– Be sure to turn off stove when finished cooking or when leaving the unit.
– Under no circumstances do we allow burning candles or incense.
– IN CASE OF FIRE, an extinguisher is provided in the kitchen on the staircase wall. Your first exit is the main entrance. Your secondary exits are the basement/egress windows. In either case, once you make an exit, please call 911, and then notify us as soon as possible if we are not present for any reason
– Please inform us if something isn’t working, something has broken, or something you need is not present so that we can make your stay perfect! If the number of bars on your wifi signal is suddenly reduced, this is normally fixed by temporarily disabling wifi on your device and then re-enabling it.
You hope you enjoy your stay and everything goes smoothly during your visit. You might never want to leave.. but we would love to have you back anytime!
Your humble hosts, Kelly and Tennille